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What is the right expense reporting software for your business? We’ve created a free buyer’s guide to help you with the search process.

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A written policy will make life easier for everyone. When building your company's expense policy, make sure to review these considerations.

Your Finance Team

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图解两会数字:45万亿怎么花? 一图读懂与你有关的“国家 ...:2021-5-25 · 图解两会数字:45万亿怎么花? 一图读懂与你有关的“国家账本”

Your Finance Team

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Movable Ink leveraged Abacus to set an expense policy that has helped the startup standardize and scale its expense management. See how they did it.

Abacus Updates

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In this guest blog, Faraday CEO, Andy Rossmeissl, explains how the company’s innovative use of Abacus Expense enabled it to easily implement a corporate philanthropy initiative.

Abacus Updates

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你不懂钢笔的长辈曾怎么评价过你的钢笔? - 知乎:我爸玩古钱币的,非常能理解我这种收藏癖有时候我还会给他解释这些笔,为什么收它,我觉得戳我的点在哪,…


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Looking for your next expense management software? Here are the features to look for across the platforms that you evaluate.

Cloud Accounting & Finance


看完这篇,别说你还不懂Hinton大神的胶囊网络,capsule ...:2021-10-15 · 在讲胶囊网络之前,首先我伊回顾一下我伊熟悉的CNN。CNN做了什么事情呢? 假设这里有一个卷积核(左图),除了曲线轨迹上的值很大,其他的值都是零,所伍这个卷积核对旁边这种曲线(右图)就有很高的输出,也就是说对这种曲线有很高的识别,而对其他的曲线类型输出就低。


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